Resultados: 5

A vivência do aleitamento materno em um contexto de situação de violência por parceiro íntimo e a rede de suporte social

Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender o significado que mulheres em situação de VPI atribuem à sua experiência de amamentar e à rede de suporte social. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, que teve como referenciais teóricos a Dominação Masculina e o Poder Simbólico, de Pierre Bourdieu, e a Rede...

Dating violence among adolescents from a region of high social vulnerability

Objective: to know and analyze the perceptions of adolescents with high social vulnerability regarding the establishment of dating violence. Method: a qualitative research study carried out with 19 adolescents from a central municipality São Paulo, Brazil. Data collection took place by means of focus g...

Digital social networks: exposure to violence in intimity among adolescents in the light of complexity

ABSTRACT Objective: this study aims to learn the perception of adolescents, who are immersed in the digital age, about intimate partner violence, from the perspective of the Paradigm of Complexity. Method: a qualitative and strategic social research; 39 adolescents, males and females, attending high ...

Primary Health Care and the Third Sector in the face of violence between intimate adolescent partners

Objective: to identify and analyze the perceptions and practices of health professionals and of the third sector regarding adolescence and violence between intimate adolescent partners. Method: an exploratory and descriptive study. Data was collected in two sessions of a Critical-Emancipatory Work Wor...

The meaning of the social support network for women in situations of violence and breastfeeding

Objective: to understand the meanings attributed to the social support network of women breastfeeding and in situations of violence by an intimate partner. Method: a qualitative study, carried out with 21 women, through semi-structured interviews and data analyzed by the Method of Interpretation of the ...